发表时间:2013-09-11 14:12 | 分类:PostgreSQL | 浏览:5,085 次
postgres@newdata:~$ /opt/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/pg_ctl start -D /data1/pgsql93 server starting postgres@newdata:~$ 2013-09-11 13:01:21 CST [3042]: [1-1] user=,db=,host= FATAL: could not create semaphores: No space left on device 2013-09-11 13:01:21 CST [3042]: [2-1] user=,db=,host= DETAIL: Failed system call was semget(3555120, 17, 03600). 2013-09-11 13:01:21 CST [3042]: [3-1] user=,db=,host= HINT: This error does *not* mean that you have run out of disk space. It occurs when either the system limit for the maximum number of semaphore sets (SEMMNI), or the system wide maximum number of semaphores (SEMMNS), would be exceeded. You need to raise the respective kernel parameter. Alternatively, reduce PostgreSQL's consumption of semaphores by reducing its max_connections parameter. The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about configuring your system for PostgreSQL.
“could not create semaphores: No space left on device”,按照字面上的意思感觉是说我的磁盘空间不足,其实不然。我把postgresql.conf配置文件又换成和初始状态一样,重启是正常的。参考资料,这句话的意思原来是你的内核的System V信号灯的限制小于 PostgreSQL 想创建的数量。我在postgresql.conf文件中修改最大连接数是2500个,即max_connections = 2500,默认值是100。
# added for postgresql kernel.shmmax = 203243925504 kernel.shmall = 49620099 kernel.sem = 5010 1282560 5010 256 kernel.sched_migration_cost = 5000000 kernel.sched_autogroup_enabled = 0